Blue Octopus Odoo versie 14.0-20210910
Informatie over de Blue Octopus instantie van Odoo, de Open Source ERP.
Geïnstalleerd applicaties
- Verkoop
- Van offerte tot facturen
- Facturatie
- Facturen & Betalingen
- Beheer leads en sluit pospects
- Website
- Enterprise website bouwer
- Project
- Organiseer en plan uw projecten
- E-mail marketing
- Ontwerp, verzend en traceer e-mails
- Declaraties
- Dien declaraties in, bevestig en herfactureer de kosten
- Verlof
- Verlof toewijzen en verlofaanvragen volgen
- Werving & Selectie
- Beheer je werving en selectie pijplijn.
- Werknemers
- Centraliseer werknemer informatie
- Odoo Documentation Builder
- The tool to create website documentation based on your knowledge base
- KnowSystem: Knowledge Base System
- The tool to build deep and structured knowledge base for internal and external use. Knowledge System. KMS
- KnowSystem: Website and Portal
- The extension to KnowSystem to publish articles to portal and public users
- Lost Messages Routing
- The tool to make sure you do not loose any incoming messages
- One Click Form Edit
- Click on any field on form view to edit without going for EDIT button.
- CRM Custom Fields
- CRM Custom Fields Odoo, CRM Dynamic Field, CRM New Field Module, Create Lead Dynamic Field, Opportunity Custom Field App, Assign Custom Fields Odoo
- Email Enhancement
- Set CC & BCC In Email Module, Default CC & BCC On Mail, Select CC & BCC For All Mail, Email Management With CC & BCC, Put Default Mail CC & BCC, Email With Permanent CC & BCC Odoo
- Helpdesk
- Flexible HelpDesk Customizable Help Desk Service Desk HelpDesk With Stages Help Desk Ticket Management Helpdesk Email Templates Helpdesk Chatter manage customer support ticket system ticket portal support Timesheet Odoo
- Manage Invoice With Helpdesk | Manage Helpdesk With Invoice
- Manage Invoice With Helpdesk Ticket,Helpdesk Ticket With Invoice,Helpdesk Support Ticket To Invoice, Manage Helpdesk With Invoices, Manage Invoice Helpdesk,Ticket from Invoice,Helpdesk Tickets Invoice,Manage helpdesk tickets Odoo
- Helpdesk Support Ticket To Task
- Helpdesk Ticket To Task Module, HelpDesk Task add-on,Help Desk Tasks App, Service Desk, HelpDesk With Tasks, Help Desk Ticket Management, Helpdesk Support, Helpdesk Tickets To Tasks Odoo
- Manage Timesheet With Helpdesk | Manage Helpdesk With Timesheet
- Manage Timesheet With Helpdesk Ticket,Helpdesk Ticket With Timesheet,Helpdesk Support Ticket To Timesheet, Manage Helpdesk With Timesheet, Manage Timesheet Helpdesk,Ticket from Timesheet,Helpdesk Tickets Timesheet,Manage helpdesk tickets Odoo
- Office 365 - Odoo Connector Base
- Odoo Office 365 Connector,Office 365 Connectors ,Office 365 with Odoo integration,Odoo Office 365 Connector App,Odoo Office 365 Connector API, Office 365 Task,Office 365 Mail,Office 365 Contact,Office 365 Calendar,Office 365 Base Odoo
- Office 365 - Odoo Calendar
- Odoo Office 365 Calendar,Office 365 Calendars ,Office 365 with Odoo integration,Odoo Office 365 Calendar App,Odoo Office 365 Calendar API,Office 365 Calendar Sync,Odoo Calander App Integration Odoo
- Partner Custom Fields
- This module useful to create fields in partner without any technical skills. Add custom field on Partner Customer Supplier Contacts
- Project Category
- Project Category, Task Category, Project Category Module, Manage Task Category App, Controlling Of Project Categories, Handling Task Categories, Filter Project & Task Category Odoo
- Sale Order HTML Notes
- Sale Order HTML Notes ,Create Sales HTML Note, Generate SO HTML Note With Image,Create, Quotation HTML Note With Attachment,Print Sales HTML Note In Report,HTML NotesWith Terms & Condition,Sale HTML Notes Odoo
- Task Timer Advance
- task timer, manage task time app, countdown timer module, calculate task start time, calculate work stop time, manage work time duration, time report timer odoo
- Toggle Debug Mode
- Toggle to debug mode in the top right user menu, just one click!
- Evenementen
- Publiceer evenementen, verkoop tickets
- Discussieer
- Chat, mail gateway en privé kanalen
- Contacten
- Centraliseer uw adresboek
- Agenda
- Plan de afspraken van werknemers
- Enquêtes
- Maak enquêtes en analyseer de antwoorden
- Dashboards
- Bouw uw eigen dashboards
- Aanwezigheid
- Traceer werknemer aanwezigheid
- Notities
- Organiseer uw werk met memo's
- Vaardighedenbeheer
- Beheer vaardigheden, kennis en de CV van uw werknemers
Geïnstalleerde lokalisaties / grootboekschema's
- België - E-Invoicing (UBL 2.0, e-fff)
- E-Invoicing, Universal Business Language (UBL 2.0), e-fff protocol